262 Rhäzünser Alp Sura

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From the railway station at Rhäzüns the route takes us along the Alpstrasse up to the Rhäzünser Alp Sura. There are several village fountains along the way, ideal for topping up those water bottles with good, fresh Rhäzüns water in preparation for the ascent. As the unsurfaced track continuously winds its way upwards, it's a sweat-inducing ascent that calls on reserves of endurance. Once we have passed the culms da razén (Rhäzüns pasture huts), we deserve a short break at the Lag Miert mountain lake. From its idyllic high-plateau setting, the small lake radiates peace and tranquillity, strengthening our resolve before we tackle the final and somewhat flatter ascent to the Rhäzünser Unteralp. By the time we hear the welcome shrieks of the marmots we know we have reached the highest point on the tour, the Alp Sura (Rhäzünser Oberalp). We are amply rewarded for our efforts on the ascent with stunning panoramic views of the Vorab, the Tschingelhörner, the Ringelspitz and the Calanda, the Rhine valley around Chur, and the Safier and Domleschg mountains. The downhill run begins gently enough along the Alpstrasse to the Bonaduzer Alp il Bot. Then it really begins to gather pace at the branch-off after Scardanal before turning technical on the single trail after Salums and Prau Videun. It's a real treat, with a fast-flowing run back down to Rhäzüns.
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