Event Chur

Ecumenical Family Service Christmas Mini Church

Then sign up! First we get in the mood in the primary school building, then we celebrate divine service, open our Advent window and meet for drinks.


14.12.2024 um 18:00 Uhr
Evang.-ref. Church Felsberg

The Christmas celebration with the ecumenical mini-church is part of the tradition of the Felsberg Advent season. The children from kindergarten to 2nd grade meet in the afternoon in the primary school building, sing, do handicrafts and prepare family services and Advent windows. At 6 p.m. the public celebration will take place in the church. Afterwards, the Advent window is ceremoniously opened and people meet in the vicarage for punch, biscuits and pastries. Many thanks to everyone who contributes something sweet. These can be handed in at the rectory before the service.
Registration for the mini-church at www.kirchefelsberg.ch/Anmeldungen/
Collection for the KiK Association


Evang.-ref. Church Felsberg

Obere Gasse, 7012 Felsberg

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