Fireplace Surselva
Feuerstelle/Grillplatz am Tennisplatz Stretga, Brigels

On the initiative of the "Swiss family", more than 500 fireplaces have been built in recent decades. The fireplace at the playground in Brigels is one of these fireplaces.
The fire pit at the playground is located 1260 m above sea level.M 1.2 km east of Brigels, right next to the mini golf course, the tennis courts and the pump track. Various walking paths lead past the barbecue area.
==References====External links== Be used from mid-May to the end of October. Please observe any instructions, e.B. regarding the risk of forest fires.
Feuerstelle/Grillplatz am Tennisplatz Stretga, Brigels
7165 Brigels
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