Church Surselva
Katholische Pfarrkirche St. Zeno, Ladir

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The Catholic Church of St. Zeno is located in Ladir.
In the Carolingian imperial guturbar of about 840, a church with tithe rights to Ladir is called in the possession of the monastery Pfävers. The Patrozinium St. Zeno is mentioned in the forged, but in this point factually correct document of 998. There are no more parts of the early medieval collection, of the Romanesque only the lower floors of the tower. The visitation protocol of 1643 reports of a narrow building with a late Gothic choir and flat wooden ceiling. Around 1710 new construction, perhaps using parts of the old perimeter walls. 1900 Construction of a new tower with extensions in front of the western front.
The east-facing complex, consisting of a single-nave nave without chapels and the retracted, flat-closed choir. Above the choir a fake cross vault with milieu medallions, above the nave a barrel divided into two bays with stitch caps. The exposure takes place in the wall zone through square windows in the shields by Oculi. The sacristy stands on the north side of the choir.
From the Romanesque tower on the west side of the nave, the upper floors were removed. The existing two storeys show blind niches with four-membered round arch friezes.
The high altar dates from 1710, it was renovated around 1760 and supplemented with side structures. The altarpiece depicts St. Zeno. The two wooden side altars are composed as counterparts. Altarpiece on the Gospel side with Scapular Madonna, on the epistle side.
Fragments of a late Gothic carved altar in the monastery museum Disentis.
Bells of Rüetschi in Aarau 1901/1902.
(Text entered by: Regiun Surselva)
Katholische Pfarrkirche St. Zeno, Ladir
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