Event Viamala

Anniversary celebration "500 years of Alp Sut"

Big 500th anniversary celebration on Alp Sut at the foot of Piz Curvér with ceremony, lunch and live music. Shared taxi from Andeer - Bavugls. Reservations required by 25.7. on 081 630 75 75.


27.07.2024 von 11:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
From the parking lot Mineralbad Andeer


  • 11.00 a.m. Ceremony
  • 12.00 Lunch with polenta and grillade
  • 14.00 Live music and children's programme

Share taxi
At 08.00 and 10.00 a.m. from the parking lot Mineralbad/Andeer to Bavugls. Afterwards approx. 20 minutes easy hike to Alp Sut.
At 16.00 and 18.00 return to Andeer.
Registration for the shared taxi by Thursday, 25 July 2024 at the latest to info@gaudenz-transports.ch, Tel. 081 630 75 75.

On January 4, 2024, exactly 500 years after the purchase of Alp Sut by the farmers of Pignia, three Pigniers founded the Alp Sut association. The aim of the association is to preserve and restore the buildings as valuable contemporary witnesses. On Alp Sut, alpine history can be experienced. It should also be preserved for future generations as a special meeting place. For more information, see www.alpneaza.ch/alpsut




From the parking lot Mineralbad Andeer

Veia Granda, 7440 Andeer

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