Grocery Store Engadin Samnaun Val Müstair
Butia Strada

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Bun Tschlin specialties, food and a large selection of fresh fruits and vegetables await the customers in the village shop of Strada.
In the hamlet of Strada, down the valley from Tschlin on the left side of the valley, stands the village shop. Clearly arranged and family-run, it offers a full range with a market-fresh accent. Information and tips for guests are available free of charge for shopping.
Food and other products for everyday needsBun-Tschlin specialties
Opening hours and information:
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
- By Rhaetian Railway (from Chur, Landquart/Prättigau or from the Upper Engadine) every hour to Scuol-Tarasp
- By PostBus from Scuol direction Martina, stop Strada i. E., Cuncalada.
- From the north: via Landquart – Klosters by car transport through the Vereina tunnel (Selfranga - Sagliains) or over the Flüela Pass into the Lower Engadine on H27
- From the east: via Landeck / Austria in the direction of St. Moritz on H27
- From the south: via Reschenpass (Nauders-Martina) or Ofenpass (Val Müstair-Zernez) on H27
By car from Scuol direction Martina, village center Strada.
Parking available (approx. 150m).
Butia Strada
7558 Strada
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