Church San Bernardino Mesolcina Calanca
Chiesa Sta. Maria del Castello

The church of Sta. Maria del Castello preserves a precious artistic treasure within its walls: a cycle of frescoes that evoke ancient legends and biblical stories.
The church could descend from a building of the eleventh century, with a rectangular nave and a double semicircular apse. In 1469 the façade was decorated with a painting of St. Christopher. Between 1459 and 1469, the artists Cristoforo and Nicolao da Seregno painted a fresco divided into three parts in the north aisle. Above, Jesus' Ascent to Calvary and the Crucifixion. In the central register, the Adoration of the Magi and various saints, including St. Michael weighing souls, St. Bernardine of Siena, St. Anthony Abbot, St. Peter, St. Martin sharing his cloak with a beggar and St. George fighting the dragon. Below, the detailed calendar of the months. In the seventeenth century, the architect Giovanni Battista Viscardi enlarged the nave and added the choir in 1627, while an unknown architect added the sacristy in 1680.
Chiesa Sta. Maria del Castello
6563 Mesocco
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