Sports Shop Surselva
Cresta Sport

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Every year, the employees of Cresta Sport are happy to welcome their regular customers - but of course also the new customers in the store in Affeier. The team is trained every season on the latest material and is always highly motivated to advise customers with their expertise.
• Embroidery, various sewing jobs
• Individually adapted insoles
• Advice and sale of clothing, hiking assortment
• Overnight ski and snowboard service, repairs to all hardware
• Rental of skis, boots, poles, touring skis, barryvox, helmets, snowboards, snowshoes, ice skates, hockey sticks, sledges, cross-country ski sets classic and skating,
• Advice and sale of clothing
Opening hours in mid-season are subject to change!
Cresta Sport
Affeier 70a, 7134 Obersaxen
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