E-Bike Kerenzerberg

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Meadows and forest paths with perfect panoramas of the Churfirsten.
You start your route comfortably in Murg and first drive along the fjord-like Walensee to Mühlehorn. From there, the trail leads along side roads and paths to Filzbach. Here the ascent starts over quiet side roads in the direction of Habergschwänd high above Filzbach. For those who prefer to enjoy the view, the comfortable ascent with the mountain railway is suitable. Once at the top, the Habergschwänd mountain restaurant invites you to take a break. Treat yourself to a short break in the deck chairs or let yourself be pampered with culinary delights. With fresh energy, you can now start your way back. Over hill and dale, it now goes back to Mühlehorn at a rapid pace. Here you can really let off steam again. From Mühlehorn, a relaxed pedaling back to Murg follows. If you want, you can reward yourself with a jump into the lake at the finish.
For camping fans, we recommend the campsite in Murg, which is located directly on the lake.
Drive with foresight and behave respectfully towards other recreation seekers and road users.
Normal bike equipment. Functional clothing is an advantage, as a longer climb is followed by an equally long descent.
From Murg train station, follow SwitzerlandMobility Veloroute 9 Lakes Route along Lake Walen to Mühlehorn. Turn left at the level of the church in Mühlehorn, drive in the direction of Oberdorf on the road towards Obstalden. Drive via Hintergrueben to Obstalden and from there again via Oberdorf and Reutegg in the direction of Filzbach. Once there, the ascent starts via side roads into the Kerenzerberg. Stick to the SwitzerlandMobility Route 301 Kerenzerberg Bike. Alternatively, the mountain railway can also be used. The return route begins from the Habergschwänd mountain restaurant. You reach the Talalp on a gravel road, turn right and drive along a meadow and forest path to Schwammboden. Then it goes back to Mühlehorn on a tarred road. Then take the Lakes Route 9 again to get back to Murg.
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
By public transport you can reach Murg in just over an hour from St. Gallen and Zurich.
Anreise Information
Murg is about an hour's drive from St. Gallen and Zurich and 45 minutes from Feldkirch. Take the Murg motorway exit and follow the signs.
There is a car park opposite the Murg train station (on the lake side). Another large car park is located at the entrance to the Murg valley near Wisli.
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