From the Fideriser Heuberge to Jenaz

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The trail now takes you down to the valley north of 'Särrä'. At the sharp turn you go left into the forest and then across the marsh 'Ful' to 'Nütieja' which is the remotest alpine settlement in Valdavos. The narrow path starting by the lowest meadow takes you down the forest to the storage place for wood from where you get to 'Rütiboden', 'Hau', 'Specht', 'Junker' as far as 'Feisti'. If you feel like making a little detour you can now walk to the baths of Jenaz. The gravelled path now leads you further out of the valley to 'Brachboden' above the villages Jenaz and Pragg-Jenaz. This is an inviting place to barbecue and to relax and the children can let off steam. This lovely hike now leads you through the picturesque upper part of the village down to the train station.
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