Höhenweg Naraus - Segneshütte- Alp Nagens

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Refreshments are available at mountain restaurants.
In the visitor pavilion at the Segneshütte you can learn what the world looked like when the landslide fell or when the main overthrust was still active. Dive into the past and travel back to the origins of the geological highlights of the region.
Continue past the reservoir and to the farmed Alp Nagens, from where you have the option of using the Flims Laax Falera shuttle to get to the valley station in Laax.
While at higher altitudes there is at best already snow, the trails in the valley are still free of snow. Our interactive snow depth map helps you to plan your tour. Here you can see at a glance at www.flims.com/schneesituation where you can already expect snow on the paths and trails and where you can still be on the road without getting cold feet.
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Verantwortlich für diesen Inhalt Flims Laax Falera Management Ltd..

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