Laschadura – Ivraina

Varied round trip through indescribably beautiful nature on little-used paths. This route is suitable for advanced skiers, depending on the shortcut also for beginners and families.
You start at Zernez station. The path leads first through the village and then on the hiking trail along the Ofen Pass road. After 2.4 km, follow the Ofen Pass road for 200 m, which you cross and follow the hiking trail towards Alp Laschadura. The path first leads a bit steeply through the forest before it flattens out again. After 6.4 km you reach Alp Laschadura, which is located exactly at 2000 m above sea level. From here we continue through the typical pine forest to Alp Ivraina, which is located on a beautiful plain. From Ivraina to Ova Spin you follow the so-called Fool's Path, which is quite steep. You can end the tour at Ova Spin and take the PostBus back to Zernez or follow the hiking trail along the Ofen Pass road. This further path is not only worthwhile to visit the old lime kiln near Champsech. In the past, lime was burned here, which was used as a plaster as an important component of mortar. Via Taglieda you reach the Laschadura car park, from where you can either follow the hiking trail back to Zernez or take the PostBus for the return journey.
- This tour is also family-friendly. In order to shorten the tour, there is the possibility to take the PostBus to the "Laschadura" stop.
- The round trip is located next to the national park, so you are not on overcrowded paths, but mostly undisturbed.
- The Chamanna Ova Spin is open from mid-June to mid-October (
- A visit to the National Park Centre or the family pool in Zernez is recommended
The tour was evaluated in favorable weather conditions, the current weather conditions and weather forecasts must be observed before the tour starts.
emergency call:
144 Emergency, first aid
1414 Mountain rescue REGA
112 International emergency number
Prümaran da Barcli, Alp Laschadura, Ivraina, Ova Spin, Champsech, Taglieda, Prada da Laschadura, Suot Pisch, La Serra, Muglin, Prà da Punt
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
- With the Rhaetian Railway (from Chur, Landquart/Prättigau, from the Upper Engadine or Scuol) hourly to Zernez
Anreise Information
- From the north: via Landquart – Klosters by car transport through the Vereina tunnel (Selfranga - Sagliains) or over the Flüela Pass into the Lower Engadine on H27
- From the east: via Landeck / Austria in the direction of St. Moritz on H27
- From the south: via Reschenpass (Nauders-Martina) or Ofenpass (Val Müstair-Zernez) on H27
- Zernez train station, Gemeine Zernez (without parking fees)
Verantwortlich für diesen Inhalt Tourism Engadin Scuol Samnaun Val Müstair AG.
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