Event Viamala

Photography Workshop "Small world really BIG"

How do you photograph details that we can't see in their beauty with our eyes? Simply because they are too small, filigree or disappear too quickly? Online registration required.


21.09.2024 von 09:30 bis 16:00 Uhr
CHF 290.00 per person
Room Cazis am Heinzenberg

How do you photograph details that we can't see in all their beauty with our eyes? Simply because they are too small and filigree or because they disappear too quickly from our field of vision when we get too close?
The world of macro photography and close-up photography offers us unique opportunities to discover treasures of nature that would otherwise be closed to our eyes. It amazes and amazes us. In addition, it is very meditative to deal with the little things in life.
We move in a small localized area in the area of Cazis am Heinzenberg. Since I have been living in this area for many years, I will take you to places where we will learn how to deal with the photographic challenges together.
Requirements: Basic knowledge such as aperture, shutter speed and ISO sensitivity is recommended for this workshop. Sometimes we move in rough and damp terrain. Functional and flexible clothing is recommended. The temperatures can sometimes fluctuate greatly. Therefore, pay attention to clothing that can be regulated flexibly.
The content as well as the personal equipment can be found in the course announcement under https://wuchner.photography/naturfotografie-workshops/kleine-welt-ganz-gross-makro-close-up/ or according to the separate announcement.
Online registration required up to 5 days before the course. Maximum 4 participants.




Room Cazis am Heinzenberg

7408 Cazis

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