Route of amazement Berschis

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The starting point is the Flums train station. The path leads along the Seez via Pluder to Berschis. After the village fountain, choose the path into the village and follow the road uphill until you reach the first path that branches off to the right. It will take you to the Lourdes Grotto. Then choose the path that follows the foot of the mountain and you will reach Ughürig Brunnä. Continue along the path until you turn right again at the car park on the road to Sennis and climb up to the Georgenberg. The same route as they came, you will get back to the starting point.
Lourdes Grotto: The Lourdes Grotto is a place of wonder with remarkable energies. Like the majority of caves, it has a purifying effect by draining us of strength. On the benches under the large, old trees you can rest well and reflect on yourself.
Ughürig Brunne: The Ughürig Brunnä is a stately natural glacial mill of a few meters in diameter. Legend has it that the devil himself, in the form of a snake, guards an immeasurable treasure in the well. The energies here are rather uncomfortable and have degrading elements.
Chapel of St. Georgen (place of worship): The highlight of Berschi's Route of Amazement is undoubtedly the chapel on the St. Georgenberg. It is one of the very few two-nave churches in Switzerland and one of the oldest churches in the Sarganserland. In the chapel we find interesting energetic conditions, with the altar marking the strongest point. Behind the altar is the so-called "headache hole", which is still known to the local population today. If you stick your head in the hole, it is said to relieve headaches.
Normal marching equipment.
Depending on the weather, good footwear (hiking boots) is recommended, otherwise light trekking shoes are sufficient for the tour.
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
Anreise Information
Arrival from Zurich
Take the Flums motorway exit. After the exit, turn right onto the main road. After about 160 m the road to the train station is signposted. Turn right again and follow the road to the train station.
Arrival from chur
Take the motorway exit Flums. After the exit, take the first exit towards Flumserberg/Flums at the roundabout. After about 350 m, the road to the train station is signposted. Turn right and follow the road to the train station.
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