Sentiero delle leggende

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Sculpture trail between larch, fir and deciduous trees
The path of legends begins at the church of San Piero above the Poschiavo train station and leads past old larches, firs and deciduous trees. It is a sculpture path that is particularly suitable for families and school groups. Almost 2 km long, it offers no particular difficulties.
On the occasion of Expo Valposchiavo 2018, various artists have created sculptures depicting people from the legends of Valposchiavo. The trail begins with the sculpture of a rider on horseback who is about to fall into an abyss, created by local sculptor Angelo Boninchi. After that, the path climbs and reaches a group of wooden sculptures cut directly into the tree trunks with a chainsaw. They are by Arianna Gasperina (Valvasone) and Nicola Cozzio (Val Rendena). At the end of the trail, one of the most beautiful viewpoints of the valley awaits you.
The trail is only accessible from May to October.
Valposchiavo Turismo
P. +41 81 839 00 60
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