Tüfelstein - Promisaun circular tour (marked trail no. 12)

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From the ski lift car park, Haderegg to the Tüfelstein and via Ronggaletz up towards Calondis. Below the winter hiking trail Calondis to Tratza. On Tratza you can relax in the Tratzabeizli (Friday - Monday, 10.00 - 16.00 o'clock open until approx. Mid-March). Briefly follow the winter hiking trail to the Lächersch Tolen junction. Slightly downhill via Promisaun, Planariend back to the Pany ski lift.
Warming up is provided in the Güggelstein restaurant (at the parking lot/valley station)
The Panyer snowshoe trails have various crossing points where a tour can be extended, combined or shortened. Pay attention to the signposts, pocket maps are available at the start to take with you.
In the vicinity of the village, the trails run mostly on private property. Please stick to the marked route.
The marked snowshoe trails of Pany and St. Antönien lead into the unsecured, partly alpine winter terrain. It is up to each tourer to fully equip himself and to inform himself about the snow and avalanche conditions before the tour. Please also note the safety instructions in the pocket map for the snowshoe trails and on the central information boards in Pany and St.Antönien.
The time is a guideline in good conditions for reasonably experienced tourers. Times for snowshoe tours can vary greatly depending on conditions, equipment and condition. Plan enough time and start early for the planned tour!
This tour description and the marking in the terrain do not constitute a tour recommendation. Every decision to climb is the sole responsibility of the individual tourer.
Well-functioning snowshoes, poles with winter plates, sturdy shoes, winter clothing. In winter, the wind can severely reduce the perceived temperature: winter gloves, hat, thermos bottle, etc. Don't forget!
It is recommended to carry complete winter touring equipment including avalanche transceivers on the marked snowshoe trails of Pany and St. Antönien as well as on all tours in open alpine terrain in general.
Rental equipment:
Rätikon Sport AG, Küblis, info@raetikonsport.ch , +41 81 332 36 36
Pany ski lift at information board, self-service
Tour guide:
Dominik Karrer, St.Antönien, info@2000plus.ch , +41 79 761 44 58
Chlasi Salzgeber, Pany, nicolaus.salzgeber@gmail.com , +41 79 518 71 04
Kurt Süess, Pany, kurtsuess@bluewin.ch , +41 76 434 04 73
From the ski lift parking lot via Chlus with a wonderful view to Klosters to the verzeigungspunkt Tüfelstein. Ascent via Ronggaletz, Maiensässhalden via Unter Calondis, the path leads a short distance over the winter hiking trail to Tratza. Shortly following the winter hike in the direction of Geisswies, the path branches off via Lächersch Tolen gently down via Promisaun, Planariend to the starting point ski lift Pany.
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
With the <a href="http://www.rhb.ch/" target="_blank"> Rhaetian Railway RhB via Landquart or Davos to Küblis and by PostBus to Pany (timetable field 90.222). The PostBus line Timetable field 90.218 also runs from Schiers to Pany.
Anreise Information
Take the A13 to Landquart, continue on the B28 to Küblis. Shortly after entering the village, turn left and follow Luzeinerstrasse uphill to Luzein, Pany, St. Antönien.
Summer and winter: P41 ski lift, P42 Güggelstein, P43 swimming pool
Only in winter: P44 Riedwie's
parking spaces are subject to charges. It can be paid with cash, Parkingpay-App, Easy-Park or TWINT.
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