Zalöner Hütta im Safiental

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An easy pleasure tour in the middle Safiental. The Zalöner huts are a perfect place for sun-seekers and connoisseurs.
It starts in Inner Zalön, a small and sun-drenched hamlet in the Safien Valley. To run in, it is best to start via the forest road to the stream at the Hüttatobel. Now you leave the alpine road and climb continuously over beautiful alpine meadows. The views of Piz Beverin on the opposite side and the other powerful people of the Safien Valley are becoming more and more beautiful. At the Zalöner Hütten, you can choose a hut that is currently uninhabited and enjoy a well-deserved break. Taking waste with you is a matter of course.
The descent can be chosen freely. If the avalanche danger is increased, you should not keep too close to the valley, as you will always encounter steeper slopes there. Finally, the easiest way is to jump down to the starting point in a straight line.
The tour can be done from Safien Platz in good conditions. There are about 300 meters of altitude added.
If the avalanche conditions are very good, it is also possible to climb between Inner Zalön and the Zalöner Hütten on the southwestern side of the Hüttentobel. The uppermost crossing has very steep side slopes.
Ski and snowshoe tours in unsecured terrain require good knowledge of avalanche danger assessment and tour planning. Furthermore, a complete safety upgrade must always be carried - regardless of the current avalanche danger.
We recommend the WhiteRisk app and website to prepare and plan the tour.
For carefree enjoyment, we recommend our mountain guides and snowshoe hiking guides of the Surselva.
See safety instructions
Safien Inner Zalön - Hüttatobel - Zalönder Hütta - back on a similar path
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
There is no post bus line to the starting point described here. Alternatively, you can start the tour in Safien Platz. Regular post buses run here from Versam/Safien.
Anreise Information
From Versam along the Talstrasse to Safien Platz. Here take the turn-off to Zalön.
In front of the first houses of Inner Zalön on the right side of the road, above a larger stable, a place has been cleared of snow.
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